Most of the costumes are just "for fashion", but some of them (those unlocked by completing VR Missions) actually have an effect which can help on Revengeance difficulty (though the effect is not all that great anyway). From that point onwards, the Custom Body will be your only unlocked costume, while the other ones will need to be unlocked first, and then purchased by spending a certain amount of BP. In R-00 you play with the "Standard Body" costume, and from R-01 onwards you play with the Custom Body instead.
With the Title Update it's enough to barely own all the original main weapons (seven in total) and secondary weapons (three in total), in addition to the other entries of the Customization menu (Body, Wigs, Life, Fuel Cells, Skills), and therefore you won't need to really "complete" the customization. In other words, without the Title Update the achievement will pop-up in the main Customization menu when you can see a red "Complete" tag next to all the entries available, from "Body" to "Skill". However, if you do have the DLC outfits you will need to purchase them too if you don't have the Title Update, while if you have it you won't need to unlock them in-game even if you have the DLC. In case you wonder, you don't need DLC-releated equipment for these achievements.